buddhism was then a mighty power in the land 意味

  • 当時仏教はその国における偉大な勢力であった


        power of buddhism:    power of Buddhism 法力 ほうりき
        pure land buddhism:    浄土教{じょうどきょう}、浄土仏教{じょうど ぶっきょう}、浄土思想{じょうど しそう}
        the power of prayer (in buddhism):    the power of prayer (in Buddhism) 願力 がんりき
        mighty power of god:    神の偉大{いだい}な力
        land power:    地上兵力{ちじょう へいりょく}
        off land power generation:    海上発電{かいじょう はつでん}、沖合発電{おきあい はつでん}
        buddhism:     Buddhism n. 仏教. 【動詞+】 adopt Buddhism as a state religion 仏教を国教として採用する embrace Buddhism 仏教を信奉する introduce Buddhism to the West 西洋に仏教を導入する practice Buddhism 仏教を信奉する In
        mighty:    mighty 強大 きょうだい 強い つよい
        (buddhism) attachment:    (Buddhism) attachment 有心 うしん
        (buddhism) backsliding:    (Buddhism) backsliding 退転 たいてん
        (buddhism) enlightenment:    (Buddhism) enlightenment 大悟 たいご だいご
        (buddhism) karma:    (Buddhism) karma 宿業 しゅくごう
        (buddhism) metempsychosis:    (Buddhism) metempsychosis 多生 たしょう
        (buddhism) paradise:    (Buddhism) paradise 寂光浄土 じゃっこうじょうど
        (buddhism) reliquary:    (Buddhism) reliquary 舎利塔 しゃりとう


  1. "buddhism reached japan in the sixth century" 意味
  2. "buddhism retains its hold upon the great mass of chinese people" 意味
  3. "buddhism spread throughout asia" 意味
  4. "buddhism transmigration of souls" 意味
  5. "buddhism was introduced from india in the third century bc" 意味
  6. "buddhism's highest form of existence" 意味
  7. "buddhism's highest paradise" 意味
  8. "buddhist" 意味
  9. "buddhist (household) altar" 意味
  10. "buddhism transmigration of souls" 意味
  11. "buddhism was introduced from india in the third century bc" 意味
  12. "buddhism's highest form of existence" 意味
  13. "buddhism's highest paradise" 意味

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